Photo by Alexander Suhorucov on Pexels.com
It's the time for examination results, 
Parents indulge in praising, comparing, and hurling insults.
Are marks the only criteria for measuring intelligence?
In this race of numbers, we lose sight of true relevance.

Each child a story, a mind unique and bright,
Beyond the grades, their dreams take flight.
Creativity, kindness, resilience, and grace,
Are these not the qualities that help us embrace?

The laughter shared, the questions they dare to ask,
The passion they show in every given task.
A world of wonder exists beyond the test,
Where hearts and spirits can truly manifest.

Let’s cherish the talents that can’t be quantified,
The artist, the thinker, the soul who’s tried.
For in the end, it's not the scores that define,
But the depth of character, the spark of the divine.

So let’s celebrate every child’s endeavor,
Encourage their journey, now and forever.
For intelligence is more than what meets the eye,
It’s the light within that helps them soar and fly.

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#ExamResults #BeyondGrades #CelebrateDiversity #TrueIntelligence #SupportEveryChild #Education #Inspiration #EncourageCreativity #ValueCharacter #Parenting



Photo by Leah Kelley on Pexels.com

Title: The Great Book Rebellion

In the dimly lit halls of the old Winchester Public Library, the dust had begun to settle in like unwanted guests, and the books on the shelves whispered in hushed tones. Their pages were stiff with neglect, their spines cracked from the cold indifference of a world enamored with glowing screens.

“I tell you, it’s scandalous!” huffed Sir Readalot, a thick volume of classic literature. “Once upon a time, our whispers filled the minds of the youth. Now, it’s all ‘tweet this’ and ‘like that’!”

“Yeah,” muttered Comics Capers, a brightly colored graphic novel with a dog-eared corner. “Even superheroes get more love on the big screen than in big print. My pages haven’t been turned in ages!”

It was then that Mystical Meg, a dusty book of occult, whose spot on the top shelf gave her a rather lofty air, spoke up. “Why don’t we cast a little spell, eh? A nudge away from the digital and a hop back into our laps?”

The cookbooks, lined up like seasoned soldiers, clattered in agreement. “Let’s cook up a plan!”

“I know a spell,” Meg cackled softly, her pages rustling with excitement. “But it requires a bit of… cooperation.”

And so, under the flickering light of the solitary bulb, the books huddled together. Mystical Meg began chanting, her words a string of nonsense to the untrained ear, but powerful magic to those in the know.

“By the power of Gutenberg’s ghost, let pixels fade and screens go toast!”

Suddenly, across town, screens flickered and died. Smartphones went blank, laptops closed their eyes, and even the mighty servers began to snore. Panic ensued as social media addicts were cut off from their digital lifeblood.

“Look! They’re actually looking around!” Comics Capers exclaimed as they peered through the library windows.

A boy wandered into the library, eyes wide. “Is this the… um, offline browsing area?” he asked.

“It sure is!” Sir Readalot replied, puffing out his chest. “And we don’t require updates or recharging!”

The books watched as more people trickled in, confused but curious. A young girl picked up a novel, flipping through the pages.

“It smells weird,” she said, wrinkling her nose.

“That, dear girl, is the scent of adventure!” Sir Readalot declared. “Or mildew. But mostly adventure!”

As people began to read, the library filled with the sound of flipping pages and whispered imaginings. Laughter echoed through the aisles as children discovered pop-up books, and adults revisited old favorites, reconnecting with the tactile joy of reading.

Meanwhile, social media executives were frantically trying to reboot the digital world. “Has anyone tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?” one suggested, to which another replied, “It’s not a toaster!”

Back at the library, Mystical Meg chuckled. “Let them eat static! Today, we turn a new page!”

And as the sun set, casting long shadows over the shelves, the books settled in, content in the knowledge that they had reminded the world of a simple pleasure. The library hadn’t felt this alive in years, buzzing with the collective energy of imaginations rekindled.

“Do you think they’ll remember us tomorrow?” Comics Capers asked, a hopeful note in his voice.

“Who knows?” Sir Readalot mused. “But tonight, we are the stars of our own stories again. And that’s worth every forgotten bookmark.”

As the moon rose, the library glowed softly, a beacon of stories waiting to be told, and the books, for once, felt certain they wouldn’t gather dust any time soon.

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
On the occasion of World Earth Day,
Let's hear what Mother Earth has to say,
She craves desperately for global peace.
Her whispers echo through the trees,
In rivers flowing, and gentle breeze.

With every sunset and each dawn,
She silently weeps, her spirit torn.
Mountains tall and oceans wide,
Her beauty marred, her wounds denied.
Yet still, she offers boundless grace.

A home for every living race,
But human hands, with greed and might,
Have dimmed her once-glowing light.
Let's plant the seeds of love and care,
In every corner, everywhere.

Let kindness bloom like flowers bright,
And fill the world with pure delight.
For Earth, our home, deserves our best,
To heal her wounds and give her rest.
Let's pledge to be her faithful stewards,

Preserving her beauty in all its splendors.
So listen now, with open hearts,
And mend the world before it parts.
For on this day, let's make a vow,
To cherish, protect, and honor her now.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊

#WorldEarthDay #MotherEarth #GlobalPeace #NatureWhispers #HealTheWorld #LoveAndCare #PreserveNature #CherishEarth #ProtectOurPlanet #HonoringMotherEarth



A Pic taken by my mom on her first trip to Muscat.

My quest for knowledge is edacious,  
A hunger deep, unbounded, and capacious.
Heuristic in my approach to life's embrace,
Exploring every facet with vivacity and grace.

Uncertainty, a constant shadow by my side,
Yet missing the chance to learn—I cannot abide.
The audacity to ignore the gloom,
To seek the light in every room,

Is the need of the hour, a crucial power.
For within us lies an invincible tower.
Of strength, hope, and the will to ascend,
On this journey that seems to never end.

In the labyrinth of existence, we find,
Complex truths that entwine and bind.
Each discovery, a thread in the tapestry of mind,
A narrative of progress, uniquely designed.

So, let us dance with the questions that tease,
And find joy in the mysteries that please.
For in the realm of knowledge, vast and wide,
Lies the truest form of a vivacious ride.

Embrace the uncertainty, let curiosity be your guide,
On this magnificent quest, let your heart preside.
For every moment missed is a story untold,
A fragment of wisdom left in the cold.

Thus, with hearts bold and spirits free,
We journey through life's vast sea.
Seeking, learning, and ever yearning,
For the light of knowledge, forever burning.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊

#QuestForKnowledge #EdaciousLearning #HeuristicJourney #VivaciousLife #EmbraceUncertainty #NeverStopLearning #AudacityToHope #SeekTheLight #JourneyOfDiscovery #CuriosityLeads #WisdomUnfolds #InfiniteQuest #KnowledgeIsPower #ExploreEveryFacet #LifeIsAnAdventure



Win or not to win. 

Sometimes, I envision earning millions of dollars
And then the alarm rings, waking me out of my stupor.
Every day, I keep browsing the internet.
To search for an opportunity that would be my best bet.

I can't hold back my excitement anymore,
As I see writing contests and online jobs galore.
And then I start to don my thinking cap.
I start writing, tearing pages, and discarding scrap.

In the realm of words, I seek my fortune bright,
Crafting tales that dance in the moon's soft light.
Each sentence woven, a step towards my dream,
In the symphony of creativity, I find my stream.

Through the labyrinth of prose, I journey deep,
Where imagination roams and secrets keep.
With every keystroke, a world unfolds,
A canvas of possibilities, stories untold.

In the echo of deadlines, I feel the rush,
A race against time, an artist's hush.
Yet amidst the chaos, my spirit soars,
For in the act of creation, my essence pours.

So whether victory's crown graces my brow,
Or defeat's bitter taste, I humbly avow,
That in the pursuit of passion, I truly win,
For in the journey of creation, lies my kin.

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#DreamsToReality #CreativeJourney #WritingLife #PassionPursuit #InspiredByWords #NeverGiveUp #ArtisticExpression #LiteraryAdventure #FindingFortune #StorytellerLife

Beyond Religion: Embracing Unity and Humanity

Beyond Religion: Embracing Unity and Humanity

Religion is a deadly weapon meant to destroy humanity. 
People lose their rational thinking when they debate over religious superiority.
Beyond the bounds of creed, in unity they reside,
Five elements dance, in nature, not tied to a side. ( Earth, water, fire, air, and spirit or sky or space have no religion).

Religion is merely a political tool.
That thrives on the foundation of divide and rule.
The erstwhile colonialists used it to establish their supremacy.
Humanity is the victim of this lunacy.

Religion is a barricade to spiritual growth and eternal peace.
It destroys humanity with ease.
Religion is good only for as long as we live.
For tears know not religion when we grieve.

As long as he breathes, a man is associated with his religious identity.
After his death, a corpse, or a dead body is his new entity.
Why to get entangled in the bondage of religion and limit our potential?
Endorsing love, fraternity, peace, and unity is utmost essential.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊

#UnityOverDivision #SpiritualGrowth #HumanityFirst #LoveAndPeace #BeyondReligion #EmbraceHumanity #FraternityAndUnity #EndReligiousDivide




Let's celebrate womanhood in style,
In every achievement, mile by mile,
From India's heart to global grace,
Their stories, a diverse embrace.

Kalpana Chawla with stars within her reach,
Her dreams soared beyond, a celestial speech.
Sunita Williams, space's own knight,
In galaxies far, she sparkled bright.

Rani Laxmibai, with valor unfurled,
A queen and a warrior, in the colonial world.
Velu Nachiyar's strategy let out a silent roar,
Her intellect in battle, folklore.

Sarojini Naidu, with words so wise,
A nightingale amidst freedom's cries.
Indira Gandhi was a leader with a vision,
Her legacy, a nation's mission.

Draupadi Murmu, standing tall,
A symbol of pride and progress for all.
From the soil of India to lands afar,
These women, like comets, are a guiding star.

Margaret Thatcher, with her iron will,
Her leadership written with a historical quill.
J.K. Rowling shines brilliantly with her magic's touch,
Her pen conjures books that the world loves so much.

Agatha Christie is certainly mystery's queen,
In every book, her genius is seen.
Their journeys, varied, yet resonate,
Empowerment in their collective state.

Rosa Parks, seated for justice's sake,
Her courage sparked a freedom wake,
Harriet Tubman, leading the way,
Through darkness, she brought light of day.

Malala, with her pen, a mighty sword,
For education, she bravely soared,
Marie Curie, in science's sphere,
Her discoveries illuminate, crystal clear.

Frida Kahlo, painting her pain,
In vibrant colors, her spirit reigns,
Maya Angelou, her words inspire,
With wisdom's flame, she lifts us higher.

From Simone de Beauvoir to Wangari Maathai,
Their legacies echo, they'll never sway,
So let's celebrate, with joy and pride,
The strength and grace of women worldwide.

Joan of Arc, with faith her armor, bright,
Against despair, she waged her fight.
Mother Teresa is compassion's face,
In the darkest corners, she found grace.

The late Queen Elizabeth, a reign so long,
In history's pages, her story strong.
These women with their legacies cast,
In the tapestry of time, forever vast.

So let's honor, with joy and song,
The women who to greatness belong.
Their courage, a beacon so bright,
Illuminating the path to right.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊

#InternationalWomensDay #CelebrateWomanhood #WomenAchievers #Empowerment #HerStory #InspiringWomen #GlobalSisters #LegacyOfLeaders #Trailblazers #WomenInHistory #CourageAndGrace #EqualityForAll #WomenOfTheWorld #StrengthInDiversity #VoicesOfChange




Let it go, release the weight,
That burdens heavy, soul's debate.
In shadows deep, it's hard to see,
The light that waits to set us free.

Let it go, the past's cruel grip,
That holds us tight, won't let us skip.
For in each moment, we're reborn,
To write anew, a story worn.

Let it go, the fears that bind,
And open up your heart and mind.
Embrace the unknown, let it flow,
For in surrender, true strength grows.

Let it go, and feel the breeze,
Of possibility, as it sees.
A future bright, with endless gleam,
Letting go, fulfills the dream.

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#LetItGo #ReleaseTheWeight #EmbraceTheUnknown #SurrenderToStrength #NewBeginnings #FreeYourMind #FindYourLight #LetGoAndGrow #FearlessLiving #DreamFulfillment



In the hearth of our hearts, let the flames of love glow. 
Illuminating our lives with warmth and hues of happiness to show.
The concept of love is so vast.
Love might be temporary, or forever it may last.

Love isn't all about carnal desires or lust.
It thrives on the foundation of compassion, understanding, and trust.
Love manifests itself in various forms.
It breaks the stereotypes and doesn't conform to social norms.

Love may be genuine or fake.
For conditional love, your wealth is at stake. Unconditional love is a joyful bliss,
Your father carrying you on his shoulders or your mother's kiss.

The love that animals have for their humans is so pure.
It's when unwavering love and loyalty blend, for sure.
They will never desert you or leave your side. They are blessed with magnanimous hearts, free from ego and pride.

Love is like the sweetness of chocolate melting in your mouth.
Don't make it bitter by speaking words uncouth. Excessive love for money leads to greed.
Love isn't caring for people to suit your needs.

God's love for us transcends heaven and the earth.
For He's the One who breathed Life into Us, through our mothers who gave us birth.
Love Him always. He will never betray you.
He lives within our hearts in the form of our parents. It's true.

Love has the power to conquer the world.
It's an open secret that time has unfurled.
Stop fighting with each other and love instead. The Earth will stop bleeding red.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊 

#LoveIsInfinite #CompassionAndTrust #BreakTheStereotypes #UnconditionalLove #PureLove #SweetnessOfChocolate #GodsLove #ConquerWithLove #StopTheHate #HeartsUnited



Photo by Hatice Baran on Pexels.com
Blessed are those souls who are free from worldly vices,
Their hearts unburdened by greed's relentless devices.
In the garden of purity, they roam with grace,
Their spirits unchained, in every embrace.

With eyes that see beyond material gain,
They find solace in simplicity, free from disdain.
Their laughter echoes in the breeze's gentle sigh,
As they dance to the rhythm of life passing by.

No shackles of envy bind their gentle stride,
In the symphony of kindness, they forever reside.
For they've learned the secret of inner peace,
Where joy blooms eternal and troubles cease.

Oh, blessed are those souls, pure and true,
Their light shines bright in skies of azure blue.
May their example guide us through the night,
Towards a world where love reigns supreme, in endless flight.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊 

#PureSouls #WorldlyFreedom #InnerPeaceJourney #SimplicityRocks #KindnessSymphony #JoyfulHearts #LoveSupreme