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Title: The Preposition Predicament


  • In
  • On
  • At
  • Miss Grammar (the teacher)

[Scene: The School of English Language. In, On, and At are gathered in the classroom, each preposition strutting about confidently.]

In: Ah, greetings, my esteemed colleagues. Another fine day to showcase our superiority over those lesser parts of speech!

On: Indeed, In. We are the backbone of English, providing clarity and direction amidst the chaos of language.

At: And let us not forget the versatility I bring to the table. I can pinpoint precise locations and moments in time with ease.

In: Pah! Precision is overrated. It’s the fluidity and encompassing nature of In that truly sets us apart.

On: Fluidity? Encompassing? You two are nothing but vague concepts! It is I who provide the tangible connections, the physical relationships that hold sentences together.

At: Physical relationships? Ha! You may connect objects, On, but I connect actions, events, and points in time. Without me, sentences would float aimlessly in the void.

In: Enough bickering, my friends. We each have our strengths, but only by working together can we truly convey meaning.

[Enter Miss Grammar, the teacher, with a stern yet knowing expression.]

Miss Grammar: Ah, my dear prepositions. It seems you’ve been causing quite the commotion.

On: But Miss Grammar, we were just discussing our respective merits.

Miss Grammar: And so you shall, but remember the importance of clarity in communication. Let us consider an example:

Miss Grammar: “The book is on the table at the library in the city.”

At: Oh dear, that sounds rather convoluted.

In: Indeed, it is a tangled mess of prepositional phrases.

Miss Grammar: Precisely. Now, let us break it down. “The book is on the table.” On provides the location of the book relative to the table.

On: Ah, my moment to shine!

Miss Grammar: “At the library.” At indicates the specific location, narrowing down the context.

At: Aha! My time to shine as well!

Miss Grammar: “In the city.” And finally, In denotes the larger, encompassing space.

In: Working together, we bring clarity to the sentence!

Miss Grammar: Exactly. Remember, each preposition has its place and purpose. Together, you form the foundation of language.

On: I suppose we all have our strengths.

At: Agreed. Let us embrace our differences and work together for the greater good of communication.

In: Hear, hear!

[They all nod in agreement as Miss Grammar smiles approvingly, bringing harmony to the classroom of prepositions.]

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Title: The Great Human Debate

In the lush, green village of Animalkind, where the birds tweeted in Morse and squirrels organized nut stockpiles with military precision, there stood a prestigious institution known as Beastly Academy. This wasn’t any ordinary school; its students were the brightest four-legged, winged, and finned creatures from around the forest. And today was a particularly special day at Beastly Academy—the day of the Great Human Debate.

The auditorium buzzed with excitement as students filed in, their notebooks made from fallen leaves ready at paw, claw, and fin. Professor Owl, with his spectacles precariously perched on his beak, hooted for silence.

“Welcome, esteemed students! Today, we delve deep into the peculiar world of humans—the only species known to pay to live on a planet they were born on. Let’s review their classifications: Greedy, Traitor, Anger, Good Samaritan, Jealous, Lustful. Teams, please take your positions!”

On the stage, six groups prepared to argue which characteristic defined humanity best. The debate would guide next semester’s syllabus on human behavior.

First up was Gary the Greedy Goat, munching on a piece of homework he’d found tasty. “Humans are like me, but worse! They build enormous houses and buy more cars than they can drive. Have you seen how they treat Black Friday sales? It’s the epitome of ‘grab everything you can’—greed at its finest!”

From the audience, Penny the Parrot squawked, “But Gary, don’t they also give to charity?”

Gary paused, a leaflet hanging out of his mouth, “That, dear Penny, is just a tax write-off!”

Next, Sally the Snake slithered up to the podium, her scales shimmering under the stage lights. “Sssseriously now, humans are undoubtedly best classified as Traitors. They make promises to protect their planet, then chop down forests and spill oil into oceans. They say ‘forever’ and then—poof!—change their minds like shedding skin.”

The crowd hissed in agreement, a few tails thumping on the floor for emphasis.

Larry the Lion roared next, mane fluffed in what could only be described as pure indignation. “Anger is the essence of humanity! They yell in small metal boxes on wheels, fight over invisible lines on maps, and even throw things at rectangular boxes that show other humans playing games!”

A young fawn in the front row whispered, “My dad said a human once kicked him just because he ate a flower from his garden!”

“Oh, they’re simply dreadful!” clucked Clara the Chicken, ruffling her feathers.

The debate continued with Greta the Good-natured Gorilla advocating for the Good Samaritans among humans. “They build homes for the homeless, adopt orphaned puppies, and there are those who plant trees!” she pounded her chest passionately.

Max the Magpie interrupted, “Ah, but the Jealous ones—they’re the real gems. They envy each other’s grass because it’s greener, covet shiny gadgets, and even mimic each other’s nests—uh, I mean, homes!”

Finally, Fiona the Fox twirled her tail, her eyes gleaming mischievously. “And let’s not forget the Lustful. Always swiping right to find the next best thing, making perfumes to smell irresistible, and buying enormous shiny rocks to prove their love—quite the spectacle!”

The bell rang, echoing through the hall, signaling the end of the debate. Professor Owl, having scribbled notes furiously, announced, “Thank you, my insightful creatures! It appears humans are as complex as our forest network. Perhaps we need a new category: All of the Above!”

Laughter and howls of approval echoed as the animals shuffled out, their thoughts buzzing more about their next meal than the human conundrum. The consensus was clear, though: humans were an endless topic of study, and Beastly Academy was just scratching the surface.

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Photo by Emma Bauso on

A family of four went to visit the lush green hills of Ooty, Kavya Mehra, aged 10, and her elder brother, Manav, aged 14, were bubbling with excitement. Accompanied by their parents, Vishwas and Anandi Mehra, the family set off for a holiday filled with adventure and sightseeing.

One sunny morning, they decided to go boating on the serene Ooty Lake. The cool breeze was refreshing, and the view was breathtaking. As they glided over the shimmering water, they enjoyed some snacks and soft drinks. However, the joyful mood shifted when Vishwas nonchalantly tossed an empty plastic bottle into the lake.

“Here, Kavya, toss this can into the water,” Vishwas said, handing her an empty soda can.

“But Papa, isn’t that littering? What about the fish and birds?” Kavya asked, her brow furrowed in concern.

“Oh, it’s just one can. There’s no dustbin around, and everyone does it,” Vishwas dismissed her worries with a wave of his hand.

But Manav and Kavya, more conscious of environmental issues, were not convinced. They exchanged a glance, their minds working in unison. Quietly, they stuffed the empty can and chip packets into their jacket pockets, deciding to wait until they found a proper garbage bin.

After the boating trip, while their parents were busy looking at souvenirs, Manav and Kavya found a garbage bin and disposed of their collected trash. On their way back home, the siblings devised a plan to make their parents understand the importance of not littering.

A few days later, back at home, Anandi was busy sweeping and mopping the floors, ensuring every corner of the house sparkled. Manav saw his chance. He casually threw a candy wrapper on the floor right in front of his mother.

“Manav! What are you doing? Why would you litter like that when I’ve just cleaned up?” Anandi exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

Manav stood firm, his gaze steady. “But Mom, why does it matter here and not when we’re at the lake? Isn’t Earth our home too? Just like these fish that might choke on the garbage we throw into their homes?”

Anandi paused, the impact of Manav’s words hitting her deeply. She looked down at her son, a mixture of surprise and realization crossing her features.

“You’re right, Manav. I didn’t think about it that way,” she admitted, pulling him into a hug. “I promise, from now on, I’ll be more careful about where I put our waste, not just at home but everywhere we go.”

Manav smiled, happy to see his message had gotten through. Kavya, overhearing their conversation, joined in the hug, glad that their little plan had worked. The Mehra family learned a valuable lesson that day: to respect and protect the environment, no matter where they were. From then on, every trip they took was not only about enjoying the beauty of nature but also about preserving it for the future.

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In the complex landscape of parental relationships, the battlegrounds of ego often lay a heavy toll on those least equipped to bear its weight – the children. Amidst the clash of personalities, unresolved emotions, and unspoken tensions, the casualties are seldom acknowledged, but their wounds run deep.

Parental ego, fueled by unresolved conflicts and the quest for dominance, can create a toxic environment within the home. It manifests in subtle yet destructive ways, seeping into the very fabric of familial dynamics.

As parents engage in a silent war for supremacy or validation, children inadvertently become pawns in this power play, navigating a maze of emotions and consequences beyond their understanding.

Children, in their formative years, are incredibly perceptive. They absorb the tension in the air, the unspoken words, and the weight of their parents’ discontent.

They become unwitting spectators to arguments, passive recipients of harsh words flung in the heat of the moment. The conflict becomes their reality, shaping their understanding of relationships, communication, and emotional resilience.

Caught in the crossfire, children often face emotional turmoil and psychological distress. They grapple with confusion, guilt, and a sense of helplessness, unable to comprehend the complexities of adult conflicts.

The wounds inflicted on their tender minds can scar deeply, leaving lasting imprints on their self-esteem, trust in relationships, and overall emotional well-being.Moreover, the impact doesn’t halt within the confines of childhood. The repercussions ripple into their adult lives, influencing their own relationships, communication patterns, and coping mechanisms.

The scars, though they may fade, remain etched in their subconscious, affecting their interactions and choices for years to come.It’s imperative for parents to recognize the profound impact their ego-driven conflicts can have on their children.

Acknowledging and addressing these dynamics require immense self-awareness, empathy, and a willingness to prioritize the well-being of their children above personal grievances.

Communication becomes the key to breaking this cycle. Constructive dialogue, respect for differing opinions, and a commitment to resolving conflicts amicably can create a healthier environment for children to thrive. Seeking professional help or counseling when needed demonstrates a commitment to change and growth, benefiting not just the parents but also the emotional landscape of the entire family.

The battle of ego between parents need not condemn the innocent bystanders—children—to a lifetime of emotional scars. By choosing empathy over ego, understanding over dominance, and healing over conflict, parents can create a nurturing environment where children can flourish, unburdened by the weight of adult discord.

In the end, the true victory lies not in the conquest of egos but in the preservation of the innocence, emotional well-being, and future of the children—our most precious and vulnerable souls caught amidst the storms of parental ego.

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#ParentalEgo #ChildrensWellbeing #FamilyHarmony #EmpathyOverEgo #HealthyCommunication #EmotionalScars #ConflictResolution #ChildhoodImpact #ParentingChallenges #HealingFamilyWounds



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Once in the heart of a forest, in a cozy den, lived a family of bears – Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Junior Bear. One sunny afternoon, while the bears were out picking berries, they returned to find something unusual.”Someone’s been in our home,” Mama Bear said, noticing the door ajar.Papa Bear cautiously stepped inside, inspecting the mess. “Someone’s been eating my porridge,” he growled.”And someone’s been sitting in my chair,” Mama Bear added.Junior Bear rushed to his room, exclaiming, “Someone’s lying in my bed!”There, nestled under the covers, was Goldilocks, engrossed in her smartphone.”Hey there!” she greeted, not noticing the bears’ stunned expressions.Papa Bear roared, “Who are you, and what are you doing in our home?”Startled, Goldilocks fumbled with her phone. “I’m sorry! I wandered in, and your place looked so inviting.”Mama Bear sighed, “You scared us! What’s that in your hand?””It’s a smartphone,” Goldilocks replied. “It’s like a magic window to the world! Look, I can show you.”Intrigued, the bears gathered around as Goldilocks swiped and tapped, revealing pictures and stories from around the globe. She spoke of cities, schools, and friends, captivating the bears with tales of a world beyond the forest.

“You all this?” Junior Bear asked in knowamazement.

“Yes, I’ve been to school,” Goldilocks replied. “I can teach you too, and all the other animals in the forest.”

The bears exchanged puzzled glances, but Goldilocks, with her charm, explained her plan to start a weekend school for the forest animals.

“We’ll learn together, and I can speak all your languages!”Mama Bear’s eyes sparkled. “A school in the forest? That sounds wonderful!”Goldilocks smiled.

“I promise, every Saturday and Sunday, we’ll learn and play together.”

Over time, Goldilocks kept her promise. She taught the bears and other animals the wonders of numbers, letters, and stories from afar. The bears, now her friends, gleefully participated in the forest school, eagerly learning about the world beyond.

As the seasons passed, the forest echoed with laughter and learning, thanks to Goldilocks and her smartphone. And in that enchanting forest, education thrived, uniting creatures big and small in the joy of discovery.

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In the forest, oh so green,
A squirrel hops and is rarely seen.
With fluffy tail and eyes so bright,
It scampers about from morning to night.

Deep in the ocean, below the blue,
A dolphin leaps, and so can you!
With a playful flip, it rides the wave,
In the sea, it's so brave and save!

On the farm, with feathers so fine,
A rooster crows at the break of sunshine.
"Wake up!" he says to the sleepy crew,
Time to rise and start the day anew!

High in the sky, so free and high,
An eagle soars, reaching for the sky.
With mighty wings and a piercing stare,
It soars above, without a care.

In the jungle, where it's wild and grand,
A monkey swings from tree to tree, so grand.
With agile limbs and a cheerful sound,
It plays and chatters all around!

On the savannah, where grasses sway, 
A lion rests in the heat of the day.
With a golden mane and a powerful roar, 
The king of beasts, you can't ignore!

Beneath the ground, in a cozy burrow, 
A rabbit hops through the meadow, so thorough.
 With floppy ears and a cottony tail, It's as quick as lightning, without fail.

In the pond, where lilies bloom, 
A frog leaps high, filling the room. 
With webbed feet and a croak so loud,
 It jumps and splashes, a water-loving crowd.

In the barn, where cows do graze,
A horse trots by in a gentle daze. 
With a flowing mane and hooves that pound,
 It's the fastest friend around the ground.

On the ice, where it's icy and cold,
A penguin waddles, or so I'm told. 
With a tuxedo suit and a belly slide, 
It's the coolest bird, on an ice adventure ride!

These animal rhymes for kids will surely delight, 
As they learn about creatures, day and night!

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Hi Friends,

It’s really unfortunate that innocent children are now being targeted by religious fanatics instigated by the wolves in the sheep’s skin. To protest against this injustice and to save our children from turning into criminals, ‘I have come up with this video presentation.

बच्चों की गुज़ारिश
बचपन को मत छीनो हमसे, 
ये विनती है हमारी,

स्वार्थ के लिए ना उपयोग करो, 
ना छिनो हमारी नन्ही जिंदगी।
नफरत के बीज मत बोओ, 

दुश्मनी के पानी मत दो,
द्वेष, गर्व, अहंकार का खाद ना मिलाओ, 
हमारी आँखों से इनको छिनो।

हम चाहते हैं खुशियों की कठिन बुनाई, 
न रक्खो बदली इन वयस्कों की रूप में,
हमारे अधिकारों को छोड़ो हमारे पास, 

ये है हमारा अधिकार, हमारा जीवन।
आतंकवाद, खून का पैदावार मत करो, 
हम यह नहीं चाहते हैं,
मरे शवों की ढेरों गलियों में, 
आतंक और हिंसा की ये खेती।

Translation in English:

Children's Plea

Please don't steal our childhood, 
we humbly request
,Don't exploit us for selfish gain, 
let our innocence remain our crest.

Don't sow the seeds of hatred, 
don't water with thoughts so vile
,Keep away envy, pride, and ego,
 Don't rob us of our childhood's smile.

We wish for a garden of joy, not a world Disguised in disguise,
Preserve our rights, our lives,
 let us not wear the adult's guise.

Terrorism, bloodshed, 
we don't desire this dreadful crop,
In the streets piled with lifeless bodies, 
please, let this madness stop.

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Lessons of Confinement and Freedom: A SHORT STORY FOR CHILDREN BY Me.

Hi Friends,

The goal of crafting this story is to convey a powerful message about the significance of freedom and empathy, particularly in the context of animals and human experiences. By sharing it as a visual presentation, the aim is to engage the audience through storytelling, using relatable characters and situations to provoke thought and reflection on the value of liberty, both for ourselves and the world around us. Through this narrative, we hope to inspire contemplation and discussions about our responsibilities towards preserving the natural world and promoting empathy in our society.

This is the first time that I am sharing my story as a video. Please watch it and read the accompanying texts.

Lessons of Confinement and FreedomIn a quaint little school, a class of fifth graders gathered for an engaging debate. The topic of discussion was whether animals should live freely in the wild or be protected in zoos. Half of the students stood firmly in favor of zoos, believing they offered safety from poachers, while the other half believed animals deserved the freedom to roam in their natural habitats.

As the debate began, the excitement in the classroom was palpable. Emma, a student advocating for zoos, confidently stated, “Zoos provide a safe environment for animals, protecting them from hunters and ensuring their survival.

Across the room, Daniel, a passionate advocate for animals’ freedom, retorted, “But animals in the wild have the space to explore, hunt, and interact naturally. It’s their right to live free lives.”

The teacher, Mrs. Sulekha Kuldeep, observed the lively exchange with a knowing smile. Little did her students know, she had a plan to impart a deeper lesson about freedom.After the debate, Mrs. Kuldeep discreetly sent messages to the parents of the students who favored zoos. She explained that it was part of a unique school project and requested them to confine their children to their rooms, allowing them out only for school-related activities.

The parents, puzzled but trusting the teacher, agreed to cooperate.The next day, the 15 students who supported zoos found themselves confined to their rooms. As the days went by, their initial excitement turned into restlessness and frustration. Inside their confined spaces, they began to understand the value of freedom in a way they never had before.

“Mom, I can’t stand being stuck in this room anymore,” cried Emma to her mother on the phone. “I miss playing outside and feeling the wind on my face.”

Meanwhile, Daniel lamented to his father, “Dad, I used to love running around and exploring. I never realized how much I’d miss being outside.” As the confinement continued, the students began to empathize with the animals in zoos. They realized that just like them, animals too deserved the freedom to move, explore, and experience the world around them.

One day, as the confinement period came to an end, Mrs. Kuldeep gathered the class together for a reflection. The students who had experienced confinement shared their newfound perspective.

Emma, her eyes glistening, said, “I now understand that animals in zoos might be safe, but they also deserve the chance to live freely and naturally.”Daniel nodded in agreement, adding, “We shouldn’t treat animals as objects to be ogled at. They have their own lives to live, just like we do.”

The experience had transformed the students’ understanding of freedom and empathy. As they looked out of the classroom window, they imagined the vast open spaces where animals should rightfully be. The debate had not only sparked a thoughtful discussion but also instilled a profound lesson that would stay with them for life.

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Innocent forest adventure


Innocent Forest Adventure.

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a group of adorable animals. There were rabbits, squirrels, deer, and many others who lived together in harmony. They spent their days playing games, gathering food, and exploring the vast forest.

One day, as they were playing hide-and-seek, they stumbled upon a strange object lying on the ground. It was a shiny, golden key with intricate designs etched on it. The animals were intrigued by it and wondered what it could be used for.

After much debate, they decided to go on an adventure to find the lock that the key belonged to. They journeyed through the forest, crossed rivers, and climbed mountains until they finally stumbled upon a giant, old tree.

The animals searched high and low until they found a tiny keyhole on the trunk of the tree. They inserted the golden key, and to their surprise, the tree started to shake and rattle. Suddenly, the tree split open, and a treasure trove of fruits and nuts spilled out.

The animals were overjoyed and spent the rest of the day feasting on the delicious treats. They realized that the key was a magical one, and it unlocked the tree’s secret treasure. From that day on, they made it a tradition to journey to the tree every year and share the bountiful treasure with each other.

The forest animals learned that teamwork and perseverance can lead to amazing discoveries, and they were grateful for the friendship and joy they shared. They lived happily ever after, and the golden key became a symbol of their unity and adventure.

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Mr. and Mrs. Lizard had just managed to shift their residence to a new house with their two kids, Rich, and Rosie. They had to take extra precaution from being spotted by the stray dogs, feral cats and their other predators.

They started climbing the walls without wasting their time while Rosie and Rich were fascinated by the things used by the humans. Mrs. Lizard chucked ( spoke in the lizard language). ” Hurry up,” she said, ” We haven’t got all day to relax and enjoy viewing the possessions of the humans. We have seen these plenty of times in other homes as well.”

Rich replied, ” Don’t be a spoilsport, mom. At least, let’s look around our new house. Besides, I don’t think there’s any pet here.” Rosie gave him a strong push to force him to follow their parents. They just managed to escape in time, from being crushed under the footwear of a fat lady, who was the house owner’s wife. She was carrying a huge plastic bag containing pizza boxes for the family.

She kept the pizza on the dining table and opened all the four boxes to check whether they had received the correct delivery. Unfortunately, she kept it open and unattended, and went to call her husband and children. Rich was drooling over the pizza. He said, ” Look, Mom and Dad, why don’t we feast upon the delicious snack instead of our usual, ants, mosquitoes and cockroaches.” Mr. Lizard added with a sigh, ” That food is meant only for the humans, but they can only have it once in a while. It’s not their staple food. Over Indulging in pizza can cause health problems. You aren’t going anywhere near it, do you understand? You barely managed to escape from death. Do you want us to get thrown out or killed? ” But children will always be children. The kid lizard was no exception. Just as a human kid would sometimes refuse to listen to his or her parents, Rich ignored his father’s sane advice. He climbed down at a tremendous speed and reached the dining table, leaving his frustrated family coming after him.

He helped himself to a tiny bit but the morsel stuck in his throat and started choking. His father dragged him away and whacked him on the back. He immediately spit it out. His tongue was also on fire. His father looked at him sternly and said, ” Don’t you ever learn from your mistakes? Was it really necessary to disobey me?” Rich hung his head in shame and said, ” I am sorry, dad. From now onwards, it’s only going to be flies or mosquitoes for me. As the humans say, curiosity killed the cat, this time it almost killed a lizard.”

The lizard family crawled back to the wall. The family feasted upon the small insects that came across their way. They also happen to see the whole family of humans having their meals together. The pizzas were devoured in no time. Soon, the younger son clutched his stomach and cried out in pain. The husband and wife were alarmed. His elder sister called the family doctor as Mr. Lizard looked at Rich and said, ” Did you see what happened to that poor boy due to your carelessness?” Rich felt for sorry for him. He had learned a lesson.

A couple of days were uneventful. Rich fascinated humans so much that he wished he was a human too. He felt bored of staying on the wall. He came down quickly as fast as his legs could carry. He came to the living room where the Television was on. He was curious to know what the humans were watching. He moved closer to the couch and watched his eyes widening in horror. A news channel presented the tragic news of the recent Texas shooting that killed nineteen students and two teachers. He watched some more news of humans hurting each other. Rich promptly turned away. He felt sick after watching the news of merciless killings.

No sooner did he climb the wall, than he approached his father. He said, ” You will be pleased to know that I will never venture out seeking the thrill of the human world. Dad, I just saw a human killing several humans. Is he going to eat them all? ” Mr. Lizard smiled at the innocence of his son, ” There are many reasons why humans kill each other. They don’t eat other except if they are cannibals. Killing is a great crime. Every creature has a right to live. Unfortunately, humans never consider this fact while slitting each other’s throats.”

” But Dad,” said Rich, ” In that case, we are also killers because flies and mosquitoes also have a right to live.” His father smiled, ” Unfortunately, my son, we don’t have a choice. We kill them because they are our food and also because we can’t make delicacies like the humans. Humans have plenty of choices:

They can be vegetarians, vegans, or non-vegetarians.

They can choose to live peacefully with each other or end up wiping out each other’s existence from the face of the earth. It’s pathetic to know that they prefer violence to exercise their power rather than protecting each other. But not all the humans are bad. There are plenty of good humans who work together for a common cause and help others including animals in distress. It’s just a matter of choice, son, you can either choose to be good or become bad. Whatever the case maybe, you will get the reward for your actions. No good deed goes unrewarded, nor any bad deed goes unpunished.”

Suddenly, Rich was glad that he was a lizard and not a human.

We all have choices in our lives. Learn to live with each other in peace or getting ruined in the path of destruction due to unwanted animosity. Animals only resort to killing for their food. We call ourselves the most intelligent creatures. Then why are we going into a self-destructive mode? Deforestation, pollution, race for arms and weapons, unemployment, over population, inflation and so on. This is a short story for children emphasizing the need to listen to their elders and learn from their mistakes. But there is also a message for adults.

Let’s not spill each other’s blood over trivial issues. We can and we must choose the path of love and peace for a blissful life as against hatred.

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