Lord Ram arrived in Ayodhya with a rousing welcome and a grand celebration.  
His arrival to His birthplace was celebrated by the entire nation.
He walked the path of virtue, a beacon so profound,
In his reign, respect and justice were found.

Yet in our world, such virtues wane,
Do we cherish His ideals, or merely His name?
For Ram respected every woman's worth, Upheld their dignity, honored their birth.

But look around, what do we see?
Women harmed, where they should be free.
In tales of old, He chose to cede his throne, For His father's word, over a crown of his own.

Today's leaders cling to power with desperate grips,
Broken promises falling from duplicitous lips.
Happy Ram Navami! Let's reflect anew,
On Rama's life and what is true.

May we strive to emulate His way,
And Honor his legacy, this auspicious day.
No hunger for power, He lived to serve,
A lesson in leadership, steep in every curve.

Yet in corridors of power where shadows fall,
Many a leader forgets this call.He faced each trial with steadfast heart,
From His beloved Sita, he was forced to part.

Yet He stood firm, through every test,
His love and honor, above the rest.
As we light the lamps and bow in prayer, Let's seek His wisdom, to lead with care.

May Ram's life guide us, in all we do,
To seek the right, and uphold the true.
Happy Ram Navami! May this festival bright,
Kindle souls to act with insight.
In the spirit of Ram, may we all unite,
And walk the path of justice and light.

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